Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Good morning all and Happy Easter.
I guess the best thing to remember is that it is the time of season for new beginnings. No matter what your belief is, know that you can have new growth. Weather it is the buds on the trees, the time to remove the old air from the house, or just the time to forgive for something of the past, it is time for new growth or air. Many times we forget that to grow we have to shed some of the dead skin. Meaning that if we hold on to the feelings that make us bitter, it will weigh us down. So how do we move forward when we are stuck in the past? I am not saying forgive and forget, although sometimes that has to happen. Forgiving yes. Forgetting the past often leads to making the same mistake twice, so yes remember the past so you are more informed for the future. Also remember the past to give you the warmth and good feeling of the past. Enjoy the smiles of the past that may come back to you from those cherished times and loved ones. That is growth, forgiveness is growth, and yes if you think about it death is fertilizer for growth. It is always nice to have a second chance.

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